

The complete eating of burned skin. Ashen toast.
Can it not warm my pie. I have lost my older
sufferings. Absolve me of my gratitude. Untie
the swift knots of my prayer, but don't merely re-
peat platitudes: for mimicry I do not care. Environ-
mental disruptor persuades a hungry populace that
there is no such thing as the environment, and they
believe it. Just as they believe that there can exist
more than one disruptor. These spun patients slowly
develop a bubble spell reality. Their spin doctors
quickly form encrusted mica shells. All who they've
preyed upon then believe themselves to be a part of
their innermost circle. This describes how they are
each lost to the vortex of their own subconscious
imaginings. While one floats away as iridescent
soap bubbles flocking sunward, the others
gradually incarcerate themselves under-
neath the prestigious carapaces which
never fail to drown them into the dirt.
Dirt is very high on the list
of examination priorities.



by Shaun Lawton  

Cursive's rules
its loops and curlicues
reveal a lot about us.
Perhaps its best we lay 
it to rest, buried along 
with the worst
of our secrets 
and plotting and lies 
a nice clean typography
will better keep us in line. 
It's fine, don't worry 
the quatrains
will be running on time
everything kept under strict control
while the sinuous, inveterate signature 
of our blossoming
gets rectified by 
with machine-like 
Farewell to 
our sensuous rhythm. 
Welcome the fascist rule




{ for Antonin Artaud }

the dead skin sloughed off Institutions
something to record our cryptic Solutions
promissory notes passed on but never Paid
from trees that we made into Lampshades
for the illumination of our deepest Fears
and desires really the same thing Fueling
our fires and schooling the liars we Hire
to print more currency from the flayed Hides
of our own strip-mined lungs so we can See
ourselves in this written mirror Instead
of breathing in the air paper is an Excuse
we use to justify the ending of our Lives
and to marginalize our state of being Alive

by shaun lawton 



Water....it's clear.
Water....it's here.
Water...it's fair.
Water...it's there.
Water is fodder for life.
Water is not pure, it's complex.
Comprised of one oxygen atom,
and two hydrogen atoms, a trinity,
so to speak. Forming a strong bond
for us to drink, and by which nature
continues to grow...show us water!
And we are presented with the solution.
Do you think that water is the gateway?
At the subatomic level...through which
all of life arises, somehow; from the micro-
scopic we are slowly drawn, as if from
a cosmic hypodermic needle, drip, drip,
dripping with droplets of complicated
water...into the universe to crown life.