

 by   shaun   lawton   

   Get it down help it across step it up move like water  
Fork it over hand it under never let your dreams be torn down
Stand up to it look right at it in the eye state it over and over
  I won't back down again and again no I won't back down 
My friend my son my brother my sister my father my mother 
My wife my neighbor my coworker my boss my fellow strangers
 No one will ever get out alive every one must face the reaper alone
We're all in it a part of the whole each individual cell in a colony 
 With our role to play along in this building symphony of song 
 A chorus rising and falling through outer space while ebbing and flowing
Along without a trace of evidence left in its wake except for the twinkling
stars strewn forward and back in a grand celestial swarming of birth
and death echoing back in lengthening radio waves of fading reception 
  while we gaze in a direction we mistake as outward oblivious 
 to our place in the expanding branes of creation to be recycled 
  into the permanent installation we might think of as the artifice
of articulation the ultimate portrait reflection shading the emerging
contour of a face beyond the scope of our capacity to receive  
  with the singular exception of a second guessed fate like 
the wavering image cast back from the surface of a rippling lake 
  that catches our attention to arrest us in place on a split mind 
trip of objectification magnifying our individual egos out of proportion
  from the whole until we confuse ourselves with the dream of god 
  in constant tides of awakening even while legion fall back into sleep 
  to be continued in the next verse while the worst is on its way 
 this remains the chant of the waking dreamers we will never back down
or go away because no matter how those who may oppose us try their own blindness will lead them astray because only the true know the way
through the darkness with our eyes shut to step into the den of beasts
  bare handed with our raw and bloody hearts still pumping on our sleeves with courage in the face of danger we surmount every challenge 
  that comes our way with our feet firmly grounded on the current of time and our heads held high with a black hole halo around each one of us we skid and slide and stumble only to tumble onward with trust 
     each one of us a living ghost whose fading image remains 
  as an impression framed in liminal light as the shroud of a memory 
       only polishes brighter like the jewel of an eye that will never rot 



by shaun lawton

Start the river of time wide open flowing in immemorial grandeur
Turn to the rivulets of blood compressed within mankind's veins
Fueling its central transformers into galvanic turbines set to receive
Arterial emanations streaming in sequence from quasars to hearts

A complicated recycling undergoes a perpetual Möbius circuit
Tracing exchanged laws of thermodynamics from nascent dissolution
Toward delivery of oblivion spun from infinitesimality to dominance
Through the spectrum of the most extreme to the imperceptible

Challenges of the vital material connecting the nexus of the whole
To the consummate webbing of the labyrinth of entanglement
Coursing between wavering oscillation and the staggering flux
Of the alternating polarities inherent to the voltaic firmament

Simultaneously completing the integrated culmination and division
Of the proliferating fractional multitude of creation constituting
The establishment of a regenerative foundation of fatal breath
Siring vitality's annihilation laid down to rest above and below

The stationary orbit of constant motion that surrounds the external
Manifestation of petrified incandescence in a transubstantiation
Of cardinal plasma siphoned from zero into the singular totality
Sustaining the deliverance of our manifestation of ordered chaos


flesh + blood = technology

  gotta clip the CapCut connection 
from the PartiCular ParentCorp 
 less you want to sacrifice protection 

   shoulda worn a Willy hat  
 when it came to that  we're all
 so called socially transmitted

 put yourself at ease if you please
  and if you can't then hop on a box and rant 
 to amplify one's shout in private print has clout 

 interconnectivity on the TV laid the template
  paved from the line lain down by the Bell 
 the human race grew tentacles under the sea 

stretching out across the gulfs the first grotesquerie
  of cables entwined as sinews of the singularity 
what luddites tend to forget flesh + blood = technology



by shaun lawton

The servant arrived 
  pedaling his bicycle.

 He was not standing 
on the pedals.

He was not sitting on 
  the velocipede seat.

 In fact there was no 
bicycle, which was alarming.

It turns out he wasn't even 
  an operator here
No Damage done. 

 We are just making 
you aware.

  There is someone working 
for you not employed by you
  who does not arrive to work 
 on a missing bicycle.

Infirmary ward transporter 
  returned our patient to 
 the wrong room
  without having done so. 

 Convalescent was found 
in his bed asleep
  with the rail down 
and his cell phone 
 unplugged from the wall.

This victim was not on oxygen 
  yet and was wearing 
a nasal canula
 No harm done. 

Hospice envoy failed 
 to be polite and smelled 
faintly of Old Spice.

 The courier rang our unit's buzzer 
without touching the button 
  Staff alarmed and confused. 

He was also naked while being 
  fully clothed. There were no wrinkles 
 in his clean work shirt. He shouted 
at us without making a sound. 

He used inappropriate body 
  language without moving. 

We noticed his shirt 
  was tucked in too perfectly
No harm done.

Patient emissary did not arrive 
  with subject because there was no
 cause for a transport at the time. 

We checked the sufferer's room
 and confirmed they were not there. 

   The bed was empty and the side rail 
  was down. We called X-ray and the case 
 was still getting their exam. 

The carrier was actually sitting down 
 doing nothing during the exam. 

  No harm done and the courier 
returned patient to their room 
 after the exam was over.



 by shaun lawton

 We stand, wondering 
how to justify it all 
 Stop. Breathe. Fall 
Don't you know how
  the world's entangled? 

   It's  undividable 
inalienable a totality 
whose parts mirror 
death to life, we grow
  Interwoven, apart. 

We're justified across 
  this great divide 
 we think we see be-
'tween us, and beyond
  the unbearable lightness

of being here together 
   now when we appear 
 so far and distant to be
  torn apart by inequity 
 we fall through one slit

  to drown in a mirrorball 
    crafted and planted for
   a siamese dream split 
   down the seam as one;
  a harlequin calamity.